Fitosociologia 47 (2) 2010
pag. 3-16: La quercia da sughero (Quercus suber L.) nel Salento: analisi diacronica e sinfitosociologica (Adriatico meridionale, Italia)
1Beccarisi L., 2Biondi E., 2Casavecchia S., 1Ernandes P., 1Medagli P., & 1Zuccarello V.
1Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche ed Ambientali, Università del Salento, Via Provinciale Lecce-Monteroni, I-73100 Lecce
2Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali e delle Produzioni vegetali, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, I-60131 Ancona
Subject of this article is the study of the residual woods of cork oak (Quercus suber L.) in the southern part of the Puglia region, which in the area find their eastern distribution limit in Europe. They are survivors of a more extensive forest formations occupying the plain near the city of Brindisi and some areas in the territory of Ostuni. Of these are presented the environmental conditions in which they are and the historical analysis of their variation in the time, deduced by analyzing literature from the early nineteenth century. The diachronic analysis of their distribution is presented in maps at 1:25000 scale. The analysis of plant communities present in the investigated area, were carried out by the sinphytosociological method that led to recognize the communities that are connected in relation to the serial dynamics, to these forests belonging to the association of Carici halleranae-Quercetum suberis of which the new subassociation arbutetosum unedonis is described and the subassociation typus is explained. This is a post- fire shrub attributed to the new association Calicotomo infestae-Phillyreetum mediae characterized by Phillyrea media, Calicotome infesta and Pyrus amygdaliformis which are in dynamic relationship with the forest subassociation of arbutetosum unedonis of Carici halleranae-Quercetum suberis while to the subassociation caricetosum halleranae binds the more mesophilous shrub described with the new association Rhamno alaterni-Pyretum amygdaliformis.
pag. 17-55: La vegetazione forestale dei Monti Alburni, nel Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano (Campania): analisi fitosociologica e significato fitogeografico
- Rosati1, G. Filibeck2, A. De Lorenzis3, El. Lattanzi3, F. Surbera3, S. Fascetti1& C. Blasi3
1Dipartimento di Biologia, Difesa e Biotecnologie Agro-forestali, Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Viale dell’Ateneo Lucano 10, 85100 Potenza, Italia; e-mail:;
2Dipartimento di Ecologia e Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Largo dell’Università s.n.c., 01100 Viterbo, Italia; e-mail: (autore per corrispondenza)
3Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale, Università degli Studi La Sapienza, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma, Italia; e-mail:
The forest vegetation of the Alburni Mts. (Cilento N. P., Campania, Southern Italy): syntaxonomy and phytogeography. This paper presents a phytosociological study of the forest vegetation of Monti Alburni, a limestone mountain range included in the Cilento National Park (Campania, southern Italy). The maximum elevation of the study area is 1,742 m. The study area shows a high proportion of forest-covered land, and a low pressure from human settlements. Fagus sylvatica woods are the most common land-cover-type; from the syntaxonomical point of view, they belong to Anemono apenninae-Fagetum (southern Italian thermophilous beech forests), although the relevés from the higher belt may be included in Ranunculo brutii-Fagetum (=Campanulo trichocalycinae-Fagetum, southern Italian beech forests of higher altitudes); both associations belong to the S-Italian/S-Balkanic alliance Geranio versicoloris-Fagion. Other common forest types of the Alburni landscape include: Quercus cerris forests (Lathyro digitati-Quercetum cerris of Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis); Ostrya carpinifolia woods (Seslerio autumnalis-Aceretum obtusati of Carpinion orientalis); and Castanea sativa coppice woods (partly belonging to Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis and partly to Geranio versicoloris-Fagion). Some more forest types do exist in the study area, although with limited extension: Quercus ilex woods, partly akin to Festuco exaltatae-Quercetum ilicis and partly assigned to a new association here described (Melitto albidae-Quercetum ilicis), a Campanian vicariant of the C-Italian montane mesophilous holm-oak woods (both associations belong to Fraxino orni-Quercion ilicis); Quercus virgiliana woods, assigned to a new association, Pyro pyrastri-Quercetum virgilianae; Carpinus orientalis woods, referred to a facies of the Ostrya-woods; Populus tremula successional woods, assigned to the new association Holco-Populetum tremulae; other secondary woods are dominated by Pyrus pyraster and Acer campestre, and the new association Geranio versicoloris-Pyretum pyrastri is here described; finally, fragments of Alnus cordata woods exist in abandoned fields, syntaxonomically incertae sedis. Many of the studied forest types show a high environmental quality and host rare or endangered species. The finding of some important species that are new for the area is presented (Campanula trichocalycina, Corallorhiza trifida, Epipactis cfr. purpurata). The phytogeographical position of the Alburni range is also discussed, based on the chorological significance of the forest flora found in the relevés and of the forest syntaxa found in the study area: the Alburni Mts. clearly belong to a Southern Thyrrenian phytogeographical unit, although they might be near to the border with a C-Thyrrenian unit.
pag. 57-97: Geomorfologia e paesaggio vegetale: l’esempio della grande frana di Pescacci (Comune di Serra San Quirico – Appennino centrale)
M. Allegrezza1, M. Mentoni2 & G. Tesei1
1Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali e delle Produzioni Vegetali, via Brecce Bianche, 1-60131 Ancona; e-mail: m.allegrezza@
2Geologo libero professionista, P.zza Ciccardini, 5, I-60043 Cerreto d’Esi (AN)
Geomorphology and plant landscape: the example of the great landslide Pescacci (Serra San Quirico – Central Apennines).
Herewith is presented a phytosociological detailed study of the vegetation of a pre-Apennines area in the Marche’s region, named Pescacci, in the town of Serra San Quirico (AN) affected by a large landslide known since the middle of the eighteenth century. The detailed historical geomorphological analysis allows to evaluate the changes that have occurred over time that have created a high diversity of habitats and microhabitats. The integrated analysis conducted confirm the close relationship between vegetation and geomorphology and the high value ofplant associations as ecological indicators.
We describes two new associations of plain and riparian vegetation, respectively known as: Salici apenninae-Fraxinetum oxycarpae and Rubo caesii-Populetum canescentis, vicarious in the pre-Apennines and infra-Apennines territories of the sub-Mediterranean associations already described.The phytosociological analysis of detail also made it possible to describe the new association Scabioso maritimae-Hedysaretum coronarii for the pioneer vegetation which occupies the landslide slopes, in addition to other new syntaxa. The identification of the dynamic relationships between the different plant communities found, made it possible to reconstruct the main vegetation series from which integration result the landscape vegetation units of the investigated area.