Fitosociologia 43 (2) 2006

pag. 3-20: Sintassonomia e nomenclatura delle comunità forestali a Pinus cembra L. delle Alpi italiane

G. Sburlino1, C. Lasen2, G. Buffa1 & U. Gamper1

1Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Università Ca’ Foscari, Campo Celestia 2737b, I-30122 Venezia; e-mail

2Via Mutten 27, I-32030 Arson di Feltre (BL)

Syntaxonomy and nomenclature of the Pinus cembra L. woods of the Italian Alps. On the basis of data both newand coming from the literature, the Pinus cembra wood communities of the Italian Alps were studied from the syntaxonomical point of view. The floristic-sociological analysis pointed out the existence of three associations. The mesophylous pine-woods of the acidic parent materials were ascribed to Larici-Pinetum cembrae (Pallmann et Haffter 1933) Ellenberg 1963; the subassociation Larici-Pinetum cembrae calamagrostietosum (Richard 1968) Theurillat 1992, an altitudinal Picea excelsa variant and a geographic Festuca flavescens variant were also recognized. The Pinus cembra woods of the carbonate, mainly dolomitic, parent materials were referred to Pinetum cembrae Bojko 1931 with the two new subassociations Pinetum cembrae typicum and Pinetum cembrae luzuletosum sieberi. Waiting for further phytosociological data, the thermo-xerophylous and acidophylous stone pine-woods were provisionally ascribed to Cotoneastro integerrimae-Pinetum cembrae Béguin et Theurillat 1982. The comparison of the phytosociological tables coming from the Italian Alps with the ones of other Alpine areas of France, Switzerland, Germany and Austria confirmed the syntaxonomic interpretation. Nomenclatural aspects were also taken into consideration.

pag. 21-40: La vegetazione del bacino lacustre “Biviere di Gela” (Sicilia meridionale)

S. Brullo & S. Sciandrello

Dipartimento di Botanica, via A. Longo 19, 93125 Catania, Italia; e-mail:

The vegetation of the lake “Biviere di Gela” (Southern Sicily). The floristic and phytosociological investigations regarding the “Biviere di Gela”, which is one of few lakeoccuring along the Sicilian coasts, are presented. The flora counts a rich pool of fen species represented mainly by helophytes, hydrophytes and therophytes, while the phanerophytes are very rare. Among them Tamarix arborea, Chenopodium botryoides, Leptochloa fusca ssp. uninervia, Cyperus alopecuroides, are very significative, because in Sicily they are known only for this locality. Phytosociologically, the plant communities are arranged along the lakeshore according to well precise dynamic successions, as linked to soil type and moisture gradient. Particularly, the vegetation is represented by flooded communities of Potametea (Potametum pectinati), helophytic communities of Phragmition (Phragmitetum communis, Typhetum angustifoliae,Typhetum latifoliae, Typho-Schoenoplectum tabernaemontani), of Scirpion compacti (Scirpetum compacto-littoralis, Schoenoplecto litorali-Cyperetum distachyi, Bolboschoeno compacti-Cyperetum alopecuroidis) and of Magnocaricion (Caricetum otrubae). The more sandy soils are colonized by same communities of Juncetea maritimi (Juncetum maritimo-acuti, Imperato-Juncetum litoralis), while the places with well nitrified soils are colonizzed by communities of Galio-Urticetea (Calystegio silvaticae-Arundinetum donacis), of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (Lippio nodiflorae-Panicetum repentis), and of Isoeto-Nanojuncetea (Heleochloo-Chenopodietum botryoidis).In the outer bank same shrubby communities are frequent, as the bush-lands of Nerio-Tamaricetea (Tamaricetum africano-arboreae) and that ones of Rhamno-Prunetea. On the whole, this lake represents a biotope of remarkable naturalistic and landscape value, both it’s floristic-phytosociological aspects and faunistic ones, as it is a damp habitat characterized by a rich sedentary and migratory avifauna. At present, it is a site of Community importance (S.I.C.), and a Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and a Ramsar site. All these conservation obligations, a part from to emphasize the environmental value, attend to a more efficient action of preservation and defence of this important biotope.

pag. 41-57: Le pinete a Pinus sylvestris L. delle Prealpi Lombarde orientali (Italia settentrionale): sintassonomia e significato fitogeografico

  1. Armiraglio1, S. Verde2, B. Ghidotti2& C. Andreis2

1Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali, via Ozanam 4, I-25128 Brescia; e-mail:

2Sez. Botanica Sistematica e Geobotanica, Dip. Biologia, Università degli Studi di Milano, via Celoria 26, I– 20122 Milano; e-mail:

Phytogeography and syntaxonomy of Scotch Pine woods in the eastern Lombardy Pre-Alps. In the present paper the distribution, ecology and syntaxonomy of pinewoods were studied.
The pinewoods of Pinus sylvestris are located in the area between Garda Lake and Iseo Lake, along the eastern Pre-Alps (Benacensi and Bresciane Pre-Alps).
In this area the Pinewoods have Pinus sylvestris as the most important tree. Some deciduous trees, as Ostrya carpinifolia and Fraxinus ornus, are often present in the canopy and they are very frequent in the underbrush. The herb cover is high, formed by basiphilous scrubs and herbs. Erica carnea, Sesleria varia and Chamaecytisus purpureus are dominant.
The pinewoods are present on calcareous substrata, strictly connected to dolomite limestone outcrop (Dolomia Principale formation).
The pinewoods with Pinus sylvestris and Ostrya carpinifolia can be included into the Chamaecytiso purpurei-Pinetum sylvestris Minghetti, Pedrotti et Poldini 2003, a prealpine association described for Trentino, with which it is in phytogeographical continuity. This association is collocated between the Erico-Pinion pinewoods of central Alps and the Erico-Fraxinion orni pinewoods of E-southern Pre-Alps (Fraxino orni-Pinetum nigrae pinetosum sylvestris), with which they share a similar floristic composition.
Along the eastern Lombardy Pre-Alps this association is characterized by mesophilous elements, described as Chamaecytiso purpurei-Pinetum sylvestris caricetosum albae subass. nova. This syntaxon and in general all the pinewoods on basic substrata become rarer towards the western part of Lombardy.

pag. 59-75: La vegetazione segetale dei campi di frumento e orzo dei Colli Berici (Vicenza – NE Italia)

  1. Tasinazzo

Gruppo di Studi Naturalistici “Nisoria”, c/o Museo Naturalistico-Archelogico, Contra’ S. Corona 4, I-36100 Vicenza; e-mail:

The segetal vegetation of wheat and barley fields of Colli Berici (Vicenza, north-eastern Italy). A phytosociological study of the segetal vegetation of wheat and barley fields of Berici Hill is presented. Two associations were detected: Papaveretumapuli mostly spread in the plain and Euphorbio-Biforetum distributed only in the hill belt with two edaphic variants. The last is characterized by high rate of mediterranean species and interesting rare archaeophytes vanishing from both oceanic and continental temperate bioclimate. Changes in agronomic techniques have reduced the biodiversity of even local autumn-winter cereal flora especially in the plain. The numerical analysis shows that it is more suitable to refer the Alchemillo-Matricarietum described for the district during the sixties to the Papaveretum apuli.

pag. 77-95: Flora e vegetazione spontanea della città di Alessandria (Piemonte-Italia)

  1. Andreucci

Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali e della Vita, Università del Piemonte Orientale “A. Avogadro”, via G. Bellini 25/G, 15100 Alessandria; e-mail:

Spontaneous flora and vegetation of Alessandria (Piedmont, Italy). A study of spontaneous urban flora and vegetation of Alessandria (Piedmont, Italy) is here presented. 240 different vegetal species belonging to 160 genera and 53 families were identified. Chorological and biological spectra have been elaborated and compared with those of other Italian cities. The phytosociological vegetational surveys, processed using classification and ordination programs, lead to the identification of omogeneous different vegetational types, ascribed to the classes Parietarietea judaicae, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Polygono-Poetaea annuae, Stellarietea mediae and Artemisietea vulgaris.

pag. 97-110: Le comunità a Genista radiata (L.) Scop. var sericopetala Buccheger delle Alpi occidentali italiane

  1. Lonati

Dipartimento di Agronomia, Selvicoltura e Gestione del Territorio, Università di Torino, via Leonardo da Vinci 44, 10095 Grugliasco (TO); e-mail: 

The Genista radiata (L.) Scop. var. sericopetala Buccheger communities in the western Italian Alps. Results of a phytosociological study on Genista radiata (L.) Scop. var sericopetala Buccheger communities in Lepontine, Pennine and Graie Alps (Italy) are herein presented. The studied area is located in the northern district of Piedmont and AostaValley, under the influence of subatlantic climate. The vegetation study has been performed throught 29 phytosociological relevés. All data were submitted to multivariate statistical analysis. The vegetation was classified into the association Phyteumato scheuchzeri-Genistetum radiatae ass. nova (alliance Rhododendro-Vaccinion), located in the subalpine bioclimatic belt, upon to the beech forest line. Three subassociation have been recognized: typicum subass. nova, brachypodietosum caespitosi subass. nova and ericetosum carneae subass. nova. Chorological, synecological and syndynamical data were described in the paper.

pag. 111-128: La vegetazione della Riserva Naturale “Lago di Biandronno” (Lombardia, Italia Settentrionale)

G. Brusa, B. Raimondi & B. Cerabolini

Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Dipartimento di Biologia Strutturale e Funzionale, via Dunant 3, I-21100 Varese; email: 

The vegetation of Natural Reserve “Lago di Biandronno” (Lombardy, Northern Italy). This study investigates the vegetation of Natural Reserve “Lago di Biandronno”, mire near by LakeVarese. Main eight groups of vegetations are recognized and ascribed to six phytosociological classes (Alnetea, Lemnetea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Oxycocco-Sphagnetea, Potametea e Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea). The main ecological factor is the water table-pH gradient, with the latter strongly influenced by Sphagnum species. The ecological dynamic moves in two different ways that are directed towards Alnus woods. The fire affects the vegetation and in particular supports the growing of Phragmites and the alien Solidago gigantea.